جمعه، خرداد ۰۱، ۱۳۸۳

ژيل دولوز و ريزوم

دربرابر اصطلاح ريزوم Rhyzome كه يكي واژگان اصلي در فلسفه‌ي ژيل دولوز است
مي‌توان از «ريشه‌جوش» يا «كونه‌جوش» استفاده كرد. هر دوي اين معادل‌ها،
اصطلاحاتي هستند كه در ميان كشاورزان رايج است.

۶ نظر:

  1. ... way late to post a comment on your brilliant suggestions but anyway: Deleuze-Guattarian Smooth Space (call it Rhizome, Germinal Space, Epidemic) is somehow different from the ancient Greek tradition of Rhizotomoi(or the tradition of root-cutters ... as you know Empedocles was a pioneer in this school ... see an excellent website on this tradition beside many other topics: Biblioteca Arcana) to which your suggested terms are very close ... risheh josh and kooneh-joosh both spiral around ‘ROOT’, both suggesting the multiplications of root(s) as a primal element, a germinal life which presupposes root as what it should multiply but D&G sometimes (but not always) hint at rhizome as something else, radically external to root and its sphere. The State (or the root-ground) can reach a plane of germinality in which root multiplies rapidly and the state reinvents itself out of its once despotic body but no matter how it slyly develops itself ... it always finds radical nomads as Outsiders, the horror. Any activity triggered by nomads who proliferate a rhizomatic space is a military (it knows victory or defeat) action to undermine / unground the state and its sphere (even a liberal, economically open, and multiplicative state).

    Anyhow, love the first term: risheh-joosh ... but any possibility to find a more apposite equivalent?

  2. sorry for the mistake ... a part removed during pasting the text; please correct it:

    (it knows victory or defeat) ---> it knows nothing of victory and defeat

  3. از اين كه بر اين يادداشت كوچك، نظر بزرگي افكنديد متشكرم. كاش فقط نام شما را مي‌دانستم.
    ژيل دولوز همچنان معصومانه زير دست و پا له مي‌شود و منتظر ترجمه است.

  4. mara bebakhshid az inkeh english minevisam ... moteasefaneh windows farsi nadaram.

    ژيل دولوز همچنان معصومانه زير دست و پا له مي‌شود و منتظر ترجمه است.

    yes, you are right ... but i think we'd better try to translate a couple of excellent books on Deleuze and how his thought fundamentally storms western academia as well as contemporary culture, art, politics, etc.

    you might be interested in a couple of good works:

    "Thirst for Annihilation" by Nick Land who is considered as a renegade by western academic mafia. (guess the best title ever written in English on some of most significant recesses of Deleuze's thought)

    Germinal Life: Keith Ansell Pearson

    A Thousand Years of Nonlinear History: Manuel De Landa

    Deleuze (ed.) Paul Patton

    as well as works by Massumi, Eugene Holland,

    think the best motivation for Deleuze's works is Interest. have you ever try to translate one of his works?

  5. I have Claire Colebrook's at hand and I have promised to translate it!

  6. it's rather a new work i guess; right? have heard, it's remarkable in the term of spanning different zones of Deleuze's philosophy without confounding the reader (the problem which one can find in Massumi's introduction on D&G). in any case, my best wishes for your project ... looking forward to the translation.


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